The Kuluin school has numerous services to support students and their families. In determining what services may be needed - a referral to the support services committee is made.
The support services committee
This committee, made up of representatives from the school body, recommends the most appropriate intervention/support to meet individual student’s needs through referral to specialist staff members. This group meets on alternate Wednesdays and is open to all staff for further discussion. After a referral is made - decisions around the most appropriate action are made. Classroom teachers are usually the ones to liaise with parents regarding referrals to and outcomes from the support services committee. At times, other personnel may liaise with parents - depending on the needs of the child.
Specialist involvement
Advisory visiting teachers (hearing, vision, physical, speech-language impairment, early childhood education, autism spectrum disorder and behaviour) may liaise with classroom teachers and provide programming recommendations for students with specific needs.
The advisory visiting teacher for English as a second language visits our school and liaises with relevant staff/parents regarding the needs of students for whom English is not their first language.
Therapists (speech pathologist, occupational therapist, physiotherapist) provide consultancy, assessment and programming where applicable. Therapy time is distributed throughout the district and prioritised by individual therapists according to caseload and student needs.
Kuluin is also fortunate to have close contacts with personnel from outside agencies - e.g. child and youth mental health services, allied health services, etc.